Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Training camp for Noobs day 9:UCAV bro

Today we are going to talk about the UCAV(Unman Combat Ariel Vehicle). The UCAV is the ultimate support gadget when dealing with larger enemy forces. The UCAV is a small  TV guided missile, in a small mortar launch system. This has a life span of 30 seconds before it is destroyed.  To get the UCAV, you need a air superiority ribbon 1x, jet fighter ribbon 3x and then you get the eye in the sky medal. I'll leave a video below and you see how one person gets 17 kills with a UCAV.
This training camp for noobs day 9.

Monday, September 14, 2015

Training camp for Noobs day 8: suav bro

Today we are going to talk about the SUAV(Small Unmanned Air Vehicle). The SUAV is the ultimate killing machine. You can kill huge numbers of enemies in a single pass. The SUAV can  only be access on recon load out, The requirements is to get a kill in a bomb raid which is incredibly difficult. the award is safe raiding medal. I'll put a video link below and you can see how many people get a killed with the SUAV.
This is training camp for Noobs day 8.

Friday, September 11, 2015

training camp for Noobs day 7:Commander mode

Today we are going to talk about commander mode on Battlefield 4. Commander mode is on Pc, Ipad and computer. It is possible to play commander mode on Xbox and Playstation, but it is not explained yet. Commander mode is great for spotting enemy's(unman aerial vehicle), resupplied drops(giant care package) for your teammates, hacking enemy comm's, ac-130 and sending a Tomahawk or cruse missile to enemy vehicle. All of these options are unavailable in normal mode Also the enemy team can do the same thing. I'll leave a video link below.

I wish this available on the consul because these features are awesome and fun. This is training camp for Noobs day 7. Three more days of boot camp and after that I'll talk advance stuff in Battlefield 4, eg IR scope 2x on a sniper rifle and the m93r with ghost ring. Feel free to comment.

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Training camp for Noobs day 6: special weapon drops

Today we are going to talk about the special weapon drops. Guns like the M82A3 long range, medium range, cqb range, or the USAS 12 shotgun. There are the M32 grenade launchers and AT4 rocket launchers and ect...
 There are the Rorsch mk-1 rail guns, that are in the final stand map pack DLC. The Rorsch mk-1 can be used to take out infantry, vehicles and snipers with one shot each time. The Rorsch mk-1 is a better and improve version of a anti material weapon. This can flip a armor tank, destroy a helicopter and take out a large infantry with one shot, dealing lots of splash damage. Please click the link above that explains about the Rorsch mk-1.This is the favorite gun to use when dealing infantry.

This concludes training camp for Noobs day 6

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Training camp for Noobs day 5: on community test environment

Today we are going to talk about the community test environment. The community test environment is a beta test on the new maps packs to come on the PC, or the console version and different environment like the new night operation map packs, available  this September for PC and console. The creators of Battlefield 4, Dice, put C4 into a Christmas present that said, jeep stuff from Neebs gaming. In Neebs gaming, they had the holiday Christmas helmet on the test environment

Training camp for Noobs day 5